These mods turn this otherwise "toy gun" into a serious backyard blaster! These guns are famously accurate & remarkably durable, making fantastic target shooters, small game hunters, or survival weapons. This bundle comes with a free small starter tin of pellets and 1/2oz oil, enough to service your airgun's pivot points for years. 177 is great for target practice, with nice flat trajectory and cheaper pellets, where.
22 is generally better suited to hunting applications with more stopping power. Grips & Forearm color: Please put a note during checkout if you would like brown grips and forearm, otherwise you will receive black. Trigger Group Polish: Thorough polish job on every moving part of the trigger group for a trigger that breaks like glass with a pull weight reduced by as much as 75%.
Firm Shoulder Stock: The shoulder stock on these guns stock has loose tolerances, leading to a slightly shifty shoulder stock. We strategically place felt pads to ensure your stock stays permanently tight against the frame assembly, with no play whatsoever. Wax Breech: A wax coating over the breech screw well leads to perfect, smooth, damage free pellet loading, every time where otherwise pellets can catch and damage during loading.
Pumparm Spacer: A properly sized nylon spacer removes play in the pumping pivot, leading to a more durable and pleasant pumping experience. Not included or necessary with suppressor add-on, which tightens up things through its improved barrel band. If there is any play with the suppressor, we add a small metal washer to even things out. Quiet Pumper: Reduces the pumping noise drastically to a muted "thud" by inconspicuously placing some 1/4 thick neoprene held in with ultra-thick & strong double sided Gorilla tape & protected with vinyl tape wrap, all underneath the forearm hidden from sight. Factory Clean & Lube: Airguns are nifty in that they do not require frequent barrel cleaning like traditional powder burner guns do.However, the barrels come loaded with gunk straight from the factory left over from the manufacturing process. We deep clean the barrel so you don't have to get a pricey cleaning kit for a one-off use.
Suppressor (Comes with Roll-Pin Upgrade). Reduce the sound of this airgun dramatically. Suppressed, these really can be shot just about anywhere without causing suspicion, even inside a garage. Mostly all that is heard with this option is the action of the hammer; the compressed air "snap" virtually cannot be heard. We include an upgraded rollpin standard with the suppressor add-on.Solid Roll-Pin: Replace the pumparm rollpin with a solid steel pin for extreme durability and to solve the problem of the stock rollpin working loose. Makes working on the airgun easier to boot.